Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Work from Working Potluck: Part One!

Buenos días a todas~*

¡Gracias por asistir nuestra junta anoche y compartir toda su energía e ideas! I will send out a more comprehensive version of "minutos" from last night within the next couple of days. In the meanwhile, here are some of the more important points to keep in mind that we discussed last night about getting MALCS recognition/recruiting/etc....!

*Finishing the Constitution
Attached is the sample constitution outline from the folks at CSULA. Adilia agreed to talk to Frangelo and check again to find out what exactly happened to the Constitution that we had on file --> A, can you please (!) do that within these next two days so that way people do not need to stress so much on updating their articles in case he does find it??
In the event we do need to submit a whole new one, everyone needs to be done with their articles and emailing them to the MALCS lista by Friday, 8:00 a.m. I can compile it all at that point and hand it off to Erika in time for the funding meeting.

*Articles that We Each Agreed to Take On:

Article III - Adilia
Article IV - KP
Article V - Mica
Article VI - Reina
Article VII - Carmen
The MALCS website (http://malcs.net) should be helpful in getting these done. =)

* Funding Meeting: 2:00 p.m. Friday

Erika will attend the mandatory meeting on Friday in the Golden Eagle. Anyone else who can show up and support along with her, it would be GREATLY appreciated!!

* Recruitment at Cal State L.A. VIP Day: 9:00 - 12:30 on Saturday
Erika and Mica will be there at 9:00 to set up our table/part of table next to the Chicana/o Studies department. Reina will be joining us at 10, and Carmen and Ninozka will also be coming later to help talk to new CSULA admits and hopefully recruit more mujeres into our fold! =) It will be at the Eagle Nest Gym; I'll forward the announcement about it later today/tomorrow.
Also, Ninozka very dope-ly offered to make us flyers to hand out that day. They will include the MALCS logo and contact information (the blog, MySpace, CHS Dept. address to track us down, and malcsdecsula@yahoo.com address because only members can post to the googlegroups lista), etc. as a basic recruitment tool. N., what would be the best way for us to get copies of the flyer before Saturday morning so that Erika and I can pass some out to the early birds??

Okey dokey - I think that is about all for now! My apologies for the very direct, no-frills, possibly confusing throwing out of all this information. IMore to come, and in a more organized fashion!, soon!

Thanks again, mujeres, and let me know if there is anything that can be clarified.

Peace and blessings,
Mica =)