Monday, January 21, 2008

[Minutos] First Meeting of WINTER08!! =)

Minutos from First MALCS Meeting of Winter 2008
January 16th, 2007 ~ 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Integrated Humanities Center

Mujeres Presentes: Margarita, Profa. D., Erika, Reina, Adilia, Lucila, Michaela

I. Check-In
After deciding to move our meeting from the lively Cross Cultural Centers to the IHC, we all shared some of our goals for the Winter quarter with each other. (Thanks to the Profa. for the great prompt!)

II. MALCSista Development
a. In the spirit of the discussion during the last meeting of Fall 2007, we talked about the importance of making time for both planning and personal development during MALCS meetings.
b. We agreed that there should be distinct times to do business (planning) and distinct times to have discussions specifically focused on our growth as mujeres.
c. We all seemed to like the idea of having different mujeres volunteer to facilitate meetings ahead of time and be catalysts for discussion.
i. As part of facilitating the meeting, mujeres can bring in a poem/topic/etc. of their own choice to share with the group and talk about!
ii. [Note: So who’s down for next time?? J]

III. Winter Events
a) Vagina Monologues Update
i) Mark your calendars! The Vagina Monologues will be presented on Friday, February 22nd from 7 – 9 p.m. in the Golden Eagle.
ii) Volunteers are needed to make this wonderful event happen! The site
will be open from 5-9 p.m. on the 22nd for decorations and set-up.
iii. “Sponsorship” will be $10. All proceeds will go to the East L.A. Women’s Center.
iv. Adilia gave us the following updates:
(1) Auditions took place on Monday, 14.1., and over 20 mujeres came out to read.
(2) Our very own Profa. as well as Eva are among the mujeres who we will see on stage the 22nd…! J
(3) If anyone knows of a good band/musicians to perform throughout the evening, please let her know.
(4) Finally, don’t forget to volunteer if you can! For any further questions or information, Adilia is the woman to see!

b) Thesis Workshop
i) Per the feedback from Fall, we wanted to have another grad school workshop in the Winter with an original proposed date of Wednesday, Jan. 23rd, 2008.
ii) The 23rd, however, is the CSGS OPEN HOUSE at 3:15 p.m….!
iii) We thus decided that a better option for this quarter is to have a Thesis Workshop on Monday, January 28th. It will be facilitated by Lucila following her groundbreaking thesis work in CHS and equally as important/successful Thesis Workshop from the 2005-2006 school year.
iv) Save the date: Mon., January 28th at 3:15 p.m. This is a workshop you won’t want to miss!

c) Plática by Lucia Muñoz on Violence Against Women in Guatemala
i) Another big date you will want to be there for: Tuesday, February 26th at 6:00 p.m.
ii) Lucia Muñoz, founder of Mujeres Iniciando en las Américas (MIA), will be on campus to speak about the Femicidio en Guatemala. This is the 2nd time in 2 Winters that MALCS has had the privilege of hosting Ms. Muñoz for such an important event.
iii) She will also be bringing with her a man who was in the guerrilla movement to talk about the state of the country today.
iv) As part of sponsoring the event, MALCS will be forwarding $100 to Ms. Muñoz as honorarium.

d) International Women's Day/Día de la Mujer
i) The campus celebration for Día de la Mujer will be on Thursday, March 6th.
ii) Profa. D. suggested that MALCS do an event in the community to commemorate the importance of both the day and the month of March.
iii) Many great ideas were shared, including:
(1) Showing a film
(2) Getting involved with the PUENTE project (which is in the heart of Boyle Heights!) à Note: Margarita has been very involved with PUENTE in the past, and suggested that even if not this time, it would be great for MALCSistas to consider some type of involvement with PUENTE in the future e.g. mentoring
(3) Doing something for the Chicana/Latino community in PasaDENA
iv) In the interests of time, we decided that yes, we would do an event in the community, to take place after March 8th, and to be discussed more in depth at future meetings!

e) New Sanctuary Movement
i) Profa. D. shared information about a new interfaith movement that is taking place in our own backyards.
ii) Specifically, there is a current project to offer support to an undocumented woman named Yolanda Santuario and her daughter who are living in Immanuel Presbyterian Church on Barindo and Wilshire Boulevard.
iii) La Profa. more information on detailed ways that folks can help them. If you are interested in visiting with Yolanda and her daughter, please speak to La Profa; gracias!

IV. Saturday Breakfast/Brunch at Homegirl Cafe
So many good MALCS events, so many good times! On Saturday, Jan. 26th at 10 a.m., come grub and chillax with your mujeres at the Homegirl Café, 130 W. Bruno Street, L.A. 90012. (The Café is located on the corner of Alameda and Bruno, just a few blocks north of Plazita Olvera/Union Station). Thanks to Margarita, we will have a nice set-up in which to chat and enjoy each other’s company; no formal business, just fun brunch! J

V. "Word on the Street" (announcements/updates/etc.)
Other notitas that came up during the meeting included:
i) MALCS has not yet been formally recognized as a group for this Quarter. (There are some issues with whether or not we have a Constitution on file?) Adilia and La Profa. are in the process of getting to the bottom of this apparent mix-up!!
ii) La Profa. will be taking charge of the MALCS account as there have been some questions/uncertainties about how our funds stand in the past.
iii) The Garment Workers Center is creating a Rapid Response Network to deal with redadas; they will have a meeting on Monday, January 28th, 2008. For more information, ask la Profa.
iv) El Huarachito Restaurant on Eastern and Floral is a great place to eat/study that is also really interested in working with students! Support your community small businesses and check them out!
v) Eagle Fest (the campus Open House-type event for prospective students) will be on Saturday, Feb. 16th. MALCS will have a presence there, so start clearing that date so you can come and be part of the outreach!

** Gracias a todas por su energía; it will be a lovely Winter indeed! =) **